Site-finished vs. Pre-finished
When it comes to a hardwood flooring purchase, one of the common stress points is choosing how to finish the floors – pre-finished, or site-finished. Here, you’ll learn about the pros and cons of each option. Like what you read? Please pass the information along to your customers and co-workers.

How to Clean Hardwood Flooring
Vacuum, dust, sweep, or dry mop hardwood floors to remove dirt, dust, pet hair, etc. If vacuuming, use a soft bristled floor attachment. This should be done daily or as often as needed.

5 Ways to Save on Hardwood Flooring
Everybody loves the look of hardwood floors. But that great look comes at a cost. Here you’ll find Timberline Hardwood Floors’ five tips for saving on your next hardwood flooring purchase. Like what you read? Please pass the information along to your customers and co-workers.